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    Social Security Disability

    Law Offices of Graham N. Wright > Social Security Disability

    Social Security Disability

    The Law Offices of Graham N. Wright, with offices in Braintree and Boston, Massachusetts, has represented thousands of individuals throughout New England of all ages seeking Social Security disability benefits who are totally disabled from work or who require additional governmental support for physical and/or psychological disabilities, including cases for:

    • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    • Disabled Adult Child (DAC) Benefits
    • Children’s SSI Disability Benefits
    • Widows / Spousal Disability Benefits

    Our attorneys have years of experience putting forth the best possible Social Security disability claim for each of our clients based upon the Social Security criteria for each program. Whether you wish to file an initial application or you have a hearing scheduled, our firm can help you succeed in your Social Security disability claim. Our work is performed on a contingency fee basis, meaning we do not get paid unless you get paid, and our consultation is always free, so contact our office immediately to speak with an attorney.

    Social Security consists of two main programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The application and appeal process for each program is similar, but with very different requirements. In order to be eligible for SSDI, you must have worked the required amount of quarters by paying into the Social Security system through your taxes and be totally disabled from work. This program is not affected by the amount of money in your bank account. In order to be eligible for SSI, you must have under the required amount of “readily available assets” and be totally disabled from work. You do not have to have worked in order to be eligible for the SSI program.

    Social Security will deny a majority of those individuals who apply. Being represented by our firm during the course of your claim will maximize your chances of obtaining benefits early on in the process. Call us today and collect the benefits to which you are entitled.

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