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    Products Liability

    Law Offices of Graham N. Wright > Products Liability

    Products Liability

    Defective or dangerous products are the cause of thousands of injuries every year. Products that you use every day can kill or seriously injure you because of the negligence of others. Products liability usually fall into three main categories including:

    • Design defects
    • Manufacturing defects
    • Marketing defects

    A product can be defective is in its design. In order to recover under this theory, an injured party must show that an alternative design existed that is safer than the design of the injuring product and at least as economical to manufacture as the original design. Also, the new design must remain as useful as was intended to be by the original design.

    Products can also be defective if something goes wrong during the manufacturing of the product. Often this occurs in a particular batch of a product when the manufacturer negligently makes an error at some phase of the creation of the product.

    Finally, various individuals or entities who participate in placing the defective product into the consumer’s hands may be liable for injuries or death if they fail to properly label and warn the consumer about any dangers the product may pose. This could include the product’s manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or marketer.

    Consulting an experienced law firm to determine which legal theory to pursue and which parties are responsible is extremely important. The Law Offices of Graham N. Wright, with offices in Braintree and Boston, Massachusetts successfully represents people injured by defective products. We have the resources and a team dedicated to the success of your case.

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